Monday, May 24, 2010

5 Minute Assessment of Lost

I have frequented a site called DarkUfo throughout the last few years.  DarkUfo was recently voted the #2 Lost Site on the web.  After spending several hours chatting with other Lostheads, I posted this quick assessment of the show:
The island is a metaphor for that supernatural, unexplainable part of living that man just can't stop trying to understand. Dharma was a metaphor for man's quest to explain everything through science; Radzinsky went mad when he finally realized that there were some things science would never be able to explain. The Island is that spiritual part in all of us, something Jack had lost touch with. Volunteering to replace Jacob represented Jack's reaffirmation of his spiritual side and his realization that sometimes it took more than mere medicine to fix things. That is the answer. The sideways was a metaphor for the "no man is an island" philosophy, and a statement on the necessity of community to help us through the trauma. It was Jack's idea of what a "happy life" would look like for them all if there were no island and 815 had never crashed. Hurley's act of letting folks leave the island represented believing that science and spirituality can coexist in a modern world.

The answers were there, as much as they could be. You just have to look for them.
  I also posted this thought:

After spending like 3 hours in chat after the ep ended, I get it and I loved it. The island was real. Everything that happened there was real. When Jack assumed the role of protector (for all of that 10 min or so), he changed the game. The ALT is what he "wished" for everybody in that moment he reignited the light. That's why they needed him to "wake up" so that they could move on, and why they all looked like Jack remembered them in the ALT. It was NOT purgatory--it was Jack's idea of what their happy lives would look like had 815 never crashed. There's a lot more to it, of course, but I'm getting into theory length rather than comment length, so I'll stop here. I'm sure I'll get it even better after a full rewatch or 2.
 I'm repeating these comments here to whet your appetite for what is still to come.  

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